Monday, June 14, 2010

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hadiah dari PPWS

Ulang tahun Pondok Pesantren Wali Songo (PPWS) 4 April lalu mengingatkan kita akan rutinitas tahunan di Desa Ngabar. Berbagai macam perlombaan seperti, bulutangkis, sepakbola, pidato, tilawah dan lain sebagainya hingga shalat tasbih berjama'ah dan sujud syukur diadakan untuk memeriahkan berdirinya sebuah lembaga pendidikan Islam tersebut.

Tak ketinggalan, konsulat-konsulat dari berbagai daerah pun mengutus jago-jagonya untuk mengikuti kompetisi yang diselenggarakan. Tidak hanya itu, Mudabbir/Mudabbrioah pun ikut menyiapkan a'do-nya dalam mengikuti perlombaan, walaupun terkadang jago yang ditampilkan mudabbir hujroh 'satu spesies' (orang yang sama) dengan jago yang ditampilkan oleh pengurus konsulat. Kalah dan menang tentu menjadi realitas perlombaan, walaupun pada akhirnya para santri merasakan hal yang sama. Kepuasan.

Puas karena jam belajar formal diliburkan sementara, digantikan dengan kegiatan-kegiatan yang bersifat ekstrakulikuler. Namun demikian, PPWS tidak membiarkan santri-santrinya beraktifitas secara serampangan tanpa tujuan. Sebagai contoh, di Tarbiyatul Muallimin, santri putra yang mengikuti lomba olah raga haruslah berpakaian kaos dan celana training yang rapi, kaos yang beraneka gambar pun dilarang dipakai, ini membuktikan bahwa berpakaian pun mengandung nilai pembelajaran di luar pembelajaran sekolah.

Fenomena ultah PPWS di atas hanyalah sebagian kecil dari proses pendidikan di Pesantren Ngabar ini. Ada hal lain yang lebih bermakna dari itu semua, mungkin kita dapat menyebutnya dengan hidden kurikulum. Sadar atau tidak, hidden kurikulumlah yang menjadi proses pendidikan santri putra dan putri agar transformasi ideologi dapat searah dengan kurukulum Pesantren (Sekolah). Sebagai contoh misalnya, di ruang sekolah tahun pertama, sebutlah pelajaran Mafudzot; Man Sobaro Dzofiro dan Man Jadda Wajada. Apakah kedua kata yang didapat dari bangku sekolah itu dapat melekat begitu saja di benak santri? jawaban sederhananya, tidak. Karena di Muallimin bukan hanya pengajaran tapi pendidikan, jadi teori saja tidak cukup, harus ada aplikasi dari apa yang disampaikan di bangku sekolah. Di luar ruang sekolah itulah pondok secara tersirat mengaplikasikan itu semua. Seperti usaha mewujudkan kesabaran dan kesungguhan santri dalam belajar, dalam mentaati guru, dalam mentaati peraturan dan lain sebagainya.

Merujuk pada Taksonomi Bloom (1956) yang dibuat oleh Benjamin S. Bloom untuk tujuan pendidikan. Dalam hal ini, tujuan pendidikan dibagi menjadi tiga teritori, yaitu; Kognitif, Afektif dan Psikomotorik. Begitupula Ki Hajar Dewantoro, memeliki istilah lainnya, yaitu; cipta, rasa dan karsa, selain itu dekenal pula istilah; penalaran,penghayatan dan pengamalan (Wikipedia).

Dari ketiga istilah tujuan pendidikan di atas, PPWS sebagai lembaga pendidikan tentunya tidak meninggalkan ketiga ranah tersebut, hal itu tampak dari Panca Jiwa Pondok (Jiwa keikhlasan, Kesederhanaan, Berdikari, Ukhuwah Islamiyah dan Kebebasan) yang setiap khutbatul iftitah acap kali disampaikan. Kelima karakter inialah yang berusaha dibangun oleh PPWS agar melekat dalam kehidupan seorang santri.

Suka tidak suka, santri yang telah mengenyam pendidikan PPWS pasti merasakan perubahan sikap yang dibangun, karena hal itu menjadi konsekwensi logis santri sebagai bagian dari ‘masyarakat’ Pesantren. Dalam artian, proses pengaruh-mempengaruhi berlaku di sana, Kyai mempengaruhi asatidz, asatidz mempengaruhi santri, dan sebenarnya, kesemuanya saling mempengaruhi. Kemudian, agar proses saling mempengaruhi ini berjalan searah dengan cita-cita pesantren, dibangunlah sistem yang mapan sebagai usaha menertibkan proses perubahan.

Sebagai misal, dalam kepengurusan Organsasi Santri Walisongo (OSWAS) di PPWS, terdapat kiriteria pengurus yang bunyinya; berakhlakul karimah. Seorang pengurus, mau tidak mau, akan menjadi pusat perhatian bagi anggota-anggotanya, pertanyaannya, kenapa harus ada kriteria tersebut? Tidak lain adalah agar pengurus tersebut menjadi tauladan yang baik bagi santri dan memberikan pengaruh positif. Hal ini senada dengan pelajaran Mthola’ah di bangku sekolah yang sering kali menceritakan akhlak-akhlak terpuji. Maka, tak heran bila salah satu pendiri PPWS, almarhum K.H. Ibrahim Thoyyib berpesan; Sebesar ketaatanmu, sebesar itu pula keinsyafanmu

Tak ayal lagi, betapa banyak hadiah dari PPWS yang dipersembahkan kepada setiap santrinya. Empat atau enam tahun berinteraksi adalah waktu yang sangat singkat untuk membentuk karakter yang ber-panca jiwa. Jadi, sudah menjadi keharusan Alumni untuk meneruskan perealisasian panca jiwa tersebut. Selamat ulang tahun PPWS.

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KBAPWS, What’s That?

We often find in the social networking site Facebook an application that reminds its users of the birthdays of other users. Some users may consider this as trivial, while others may not. For those who think that such application is unimportant, they probably do not really comprehend the nature of social interaction which requires communication among human being. That’s certainly different with those who believe in the importance of communication: silaturrahim.

Regardless of whether or not the aforesaid Facebook application is important, let us discuss about the anniversary of Pondok Pesantren Wali Songo (PPWS) on the last 4th of April, especially for those who are commemorating the anniversary in Egypt.

PPWS has been contributing to the dynamics of Islamic education in Indonesia for 49 years. Of course as an institution of learning, many students have graduated from the boarding school over its 49 years of existence. Among which are united under the banner of Keluarga Besar Alumni Pondok Pesantren Walisongo, KBAPWS in short, established in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the forum currently has around 50 members.

There are interesting things that the author wants to convey about KBAPWS in Egypt. Formerly, alumni of PPWS who lived in Egypt had established what was named Himpunan Keluarga Pondok Pesantren Wali Songo (HKPW). However, due to socio-historical reasons, the institution of PPWS changed the name of HKPW to Himpunan Alumni dan Keluarga Pondok Pesantren Wali Songo (HAKPW), and the alumni who were in Egypt had consequently changed the name from HKPW Egypt into HAKPW Egypt. However, the new name (HAKPW) did not exist very long since PPWS once again changed the forum’s name into KBAPWS. And again, HAKPW Egypt was accordingly changed into KBAPWS Egypt.

We can see that the alumni in PPWS in Egypt are very much obedient to the decisions made by the stakeholders in PPWS, as can be observed from the evolution of the name of the alumni’s forum from HKPW up to KBAPWS. Whereas in a number of areas in Indonesia, some other alumni had objected to the forum’s names oferred by PPWS.

Unfortunately, PPWS seems to have little interest, or to put it mildly, is not aware of the potentials of its alumni in Egypt, compared to those who are residing in Indonesia. Why potential? This is because, for now, KBAPWS Egypt only possesses potentials, and not yet material. This differs from the alumni in Indonesia who had delved into the material world and can offer more than just mere potential. However, just be fair, the author assumes that PPWS is applying what we call scale of priority to empower its alumni. Hopefully this is not because PPWS is only interested in the alumni who can provide material benefits to the institution.

For example, in the case of the change of the forum’s name to HAKPW, or even to KBAPWS, there were no formal letter of decision sent to PPWS alumni in Egypt to socialize the decision. And in the national alumni conference, there was no invitation letters conveyed to the alumni in Egypt. Is it possible that PPWS has forgotten that it has a representative in Egypt? Interesting, isn’t it?

Here is a case study to ponder upon: the Government of the Philippines has established a communication mechanism with its labors who are working all around the world. In that mechanism, every labor receives a birthday greeting card from the President of the Philippines in his/her birthday. It may seem trivial, and most probably the President herself is not writing the birthday greeting, however small things like that has given the impression that the Government of the Philippines is really concerned about its citizens who work in a foreign country. And in Egypt, Philippino labors (especially those working in the domestic sector) has ranked top in terms of salaries received compared to other nationalities.

That shows the importance of building communication. Even though the act of building communication itself is as simple as sending a birthday greeting card, it is very influential on a country's positive image.

We can imagine what would happen if PPWS sends birthday greetings to its representatives abroad. It may encourage the creation of the atmosphere of harmony. That way, the communication will not only be established by PPWS representatives abroad who continuously provide information to PPWS, but also by the PPWS itself as an institution that provides feedback to its representatives. Here, two-way communication will occur.

Finally, let us hope that the silaturrahim wil always be present, not only among fellow alumni in Egypt, but also between the alumni forum (i.e. KBAPWS) and PPWS that is established upon the foundation of interactive (two-way) communitation. The starting point for the silaturrahim is through the continuous effort of PPWS alumni to develop their potentials which can bring about positive contribution to the society as a whole. Happy birthday PPWS.

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Profile of PII (Indonesia Moslem Students’ Association)

The address of Central Board of Indonesian Moslem Students Association is on
Jl. Menteng Raya 58 Jakarta, Indonesia 10340
Phone/Fax. 62-21-3153572

The address of Representative Board Of Indonesian Muslims Students Association is on Building 63 A Flat 6 Gate Two Swessry A 10th Distric, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt
Website :
Phone (0020-2) 24708427
Email :

Indonesian Moslem Students Association (PII) was established in the struggle city of Yogyakarta on May 4, 1947. The founding fathers were young intellectuals on the time, namely Yoesdi Ghozali, Anton Timur Djaelani, Amien Syahri, and Ibrahim Zarkasyi.

One factor motivated the establishment of PII was the dualism of education system for Moslems in Indonesia as a heritage from Netherlands colonizer, pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) and ordinary school that each of them has different education system. Pesantren has eschatological orientation mean while ordinary school has worldly orientation. Consequently, Moslem students divided into two groups and against each other. Students from pesantren (santri) claimed ordinary school as unbelief education system given by Netherlands colonizer and judged the students as unbelief students. On another position, students from ordinary schools claimed the pesantren as traditional and conservative, the santri were named conservative santri.

At the moment, there was a students organization, Ikatan Pelajar Indonesia / Indonesian Students Association (IPI). However, the organization could not accommodate santri's aspiration. Reflecting the reality, when Yoesdhi Ghozali was being i'tikaf (keep silent and pray in mosque) at a mosque in Yogyakarta on February 25, 1947 got inspiration to establish an organization that can accommodate Moslem aspiration (both from pesantren and ordinary school). The idea was shared in SMP N 2 (State Secondary School) Secodiningrat, Yogyakarta. His friends attended the meeting were Anton Timur Djaelani, Amien Syahri, and Ibrahim Zarkasyi and all audience agreed to established an organization form Moslem students.

The agreement, then presented on the Congress of Indonesian Moslem Youth Movement (Gerakan Pemuda Islam Indonesia/GPII) on March 30 - April 1, 1947. Most of the audience agreed the idea, then the congress decreed to unite Students Division of GPII into Indonesian Moslem Students Association (PII). The participants of congress also were demanded to ease the establishment of PII around Indonesia.

As a follow up of the congress decree, a meeting was conducted at GPII office on Jalan Margomulyo 8 Yogyakarta on May 4, 1947. The meeting was attended by Yoesdi Ghozali, Anton Timur Djaelani, and Amien Syahri represented Students Division of GPII, Ibrahim Zarkasyi and Yahya Ubeid represented Surakarta Moslem Students Union (PPIS), Multazam and Shawabi represented Course Union of Islamic Secondary Schools (PERKISEM) Surakarta, and Dida Gursida and Supono NA represented Indonesian Moslem Students Organization of Yogyakarta. The meeting, led by Yoesdi Ghozali decreed to established an organization named Pelajar Islam Indonesia / Indonesian Moslem Students Association (PII) at 10.00 A.M. on May 4, 1947.

In order to commemorate the moment of establishment of PII, every May 4 was celebrated as The Awakening Day of PII. It is supposed to be awakening moment from the accumulated ideas.


The objective of PII is "the perfection of Education and Culture in accordance with Islam for all Indonesian and human being".

The main tasks of PII are conducting training, taklim (Islamic courses), and organizational courses form students in order to create Moslem, Intelligent, and Leader nation cadres.

The functions of PII are as a place to Moslem character building, success study assistance, training tools, and struggle tools for Moslem Students.

To achieve the objective, PII conducts certain activities, namely:
a. Educate members to be pious to the almighty God (Allah swt)
b. Grow intelligence, creativity, skill, interest, and talent of the members.
c. Educate the members to be independent; able to stand on his own feet without depend on others.
d. Educate mental and grow appreciation on science and culture in line with Islam for the members.
e. Educate the members to be able to manage global information and protect themselves from negative effects of the global information and culture.
f. Assist the members develop the interest and solve students problem.
g. Organize social activities for Islam and Moslem and non-Moslem.
h. Develop zeal, ability the members to master, utilize science and technology for human welfare.
i. Develop the member’s ability to learn, comprehend, appreciate, and perform Islamic spirit in the real life.
j. Create leader possessing Islamic way of life, wide global view, and Moslem personality in any field of life.

There are four kinds of membership in PII, namely:
a. Anggota Tunas, (Bud Member); students study at elementary schools
b. Anggota Muda, (Green Member); students study at secondary schools
c. Anggota Biasa, (Ordinary Member); students study at senior high schools and university/college
d. Anggota Luar Biasa (Extra Ordinary Member); foreigners who study in Indonesia.
e. Anggota Kehormatan (Honorary Member); meritorious persons for PII

Organizational board in PII consist of four level namely:
1. Pengurus Komisariat (Sub District Board) based in sub districts, schools, or other educational institution. Each Sub district Board at least has 25 members.
2. Pengurus Daerah (District Board); based in regency or pesantren and university/college. If it is possible, one regency consists of two or more district boards. Each district board has 100 members.
3. Pengurus Wilayah (Regional Board); based in province. However it is possible to establish two regional boards in one province. The territorial border is not always same as government administrative territorial. A good example is Regional Board of Great Yogyakarta that covers Yogyakarta Province, Ex-Residency of Kedu and Ex-Residency of Banyumas (both in Central Java).
4. Central Board (Pengurus Besar); a Congress mandate holder and top institution, located in Jakarta.

At the moment, PII consists of 28 regional boards and more than 200 district boards spread out in Indonesia. Besides, PII has also representative board in Malaysia, Egypt, Pakistan, Syria, Turkey, Arab, Singapore, Netherland, America and Australia.

As attempt to accommodate students female aspiration and to do specific task, PII forms two autonomous body namely Brigade PII and Korps PII Wati.

Brigade PII was formed on November 6, 1947 (in physical revolution era) to take a part in keeping Indonesia independence and unity. The establishment of Brigade PII was based on the background of the situation at that moment in which PII took a part against Netherlands Military Aggression I, July 27, 1947 soon after First Congress of PII. At present, Brigade PII function as strategic body for PII to provide inputs to support the realization of the programs.

Korps PII Wati was formed on July 31, 1964, in the 10th Congress of PII in Malang, East Java. The establishment was based on the female cadres crisis in PII, therefore Korps PII Wati should conduct acceleration in educating the female cadres that in general have shorter time to active in PII than male students.

PII is an education, culture and Islamic Propagation movement. Consequently PII has always concern on problems related to the three fields. It concern is different time to time, period to period. External situations influence PII's responses toward the fields.

Some Policy as program operational basis in the period of 2008-2010 is:

1. Forming PII's cadre based on the Muslim cadres profile, scholars, leaders in character and capacity in accordance with the identity of PII (Movement Philosophy) by implementing the concept of ta'dib comprehensively.
2. Building a system of organization with an established institutional structures and mechanisms to consistently perform a healthy organizational culture.
3. Building internal solidity of organization
4. Play an active-positive role contribute to the problems of ummah, especially student's issues both national and international to always build the critical tradition to proactively respond to all kind of civilization on the same network. Advancing the partnerships extensively with the institutions of national and international mission in field of education, culture and dakwah.
5. Establishing an image over all Indonesian organizations in Egypt

The programs of PII are covered in certain activities, namely:
a. Coaching and courses for students; leadership training (basic, intermediate, and advanced), Training for Trainers, Students Work Camp, Series of Courses (Management Courses, Female Courses, Polling, Public Relations, etc). Besides that, PII has also taklim (regular Islamic studies) to educate members and students to have wide Islam view and practice Islamic spirit in the real life. Training, Courses, and Taklim are conducted regularly, massively, and open. Training and Courses are conducted on vacation time of study, mean while taklim is conducted based on the agreement among the members and performed once a week.
b. PII is also requested by some schools to be facilitators for training they run. All trainings, courses, and taklim in PII are performed by using participatory and dynamic groups.
c. Critical Discourse Analysis; the aim is to shape cadres who can meet the challenges of Science, technology and Social Politics
d. Foreign-language Weekly Discussion (Arabic and English); the aim is to Develope skills in Arabic and English Languages
e. English Debate Contest; a debate program among students in English. The aim is to improve the Student's ability in foreign language

Besides described above, the policy of PII is also described in the institutional board in some divisions, namely Cadre, Nurturing and Development of Organization, Communication, Propagation and Students Empowerment, and Intellectual Development. These divisions perform specific approach (based on the character and orientation of the divisions) organize any activities.

Representative Board Of Indonesian Muslims Students Association
in the period of 2008-2010

Chairman : Andy Hariyono
Deputy Chairman for Cadre : Mu’tashim El-Mandiri, Lc
Deputy Chairman for Organization Nurturing and Development : Roisudin
Deputy Chairman for Communication : Heru Santoso
Deputy Chairman for PII-Wati : Hamidah Citra Apriliya

Secretary General : Agus Solehudin
Vice I Secretary General : Hidayatun Nisa

General Treasurer : Adi Abdillah Muslim
Vice I Treasurer : Indra Ardian Univa

Departement Training : Solihin Ma’ruf
Departement Courses : Ahmad Muhammad
Departement Ta’lim : Zamzami Saleh
Department of Research and Library : Siti Majidah, Lc
Department of Media and Information : Heru Purnama Hasido
Hanifah Jamil

Bureau of Secretariat : Solihin Ma’ruf

Special Agency
Foreign Language Development Agency : Irfan Prima Putra

Work Experience with Funding

1. 2003-2010 Leadership Training for Indonesian Student in Egypt, from 2003 until now
2. 2003. Stadium General, Communication. In Cooperation With Cimas- ICMI
3. 2004 Quick training for Islamic knowledge (Pesantren Kilat) at Indonesian school in Cairo (SIC)
4. 2007 English Debate Contest for Indonesian student in Egypt
5. 2008 Collecting 1000 signaturs Supporting the Bills on Pornography
6. 2008 Supporting "Juctice For Khojaly" Campaign
7. 2009 English Debate Contest for International students in Egypt. In Cooperation with ICMI orsat Cairo and PPMI
8. 2009 A Social action to support KPK (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi). In cooperation with Pwk. PP. Persis, PCI. NU, Forum Syariah wal Qanun, Rumah Budaya Akar, Komunitas Arus Kampus, Terobosan Bulletin and Informatika Bulletin.